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Essential Oil Purity... What is the difference?

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

Essential Oil Regulation

So what is the difference between store bought oils and Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils?

Well unfortunately there is no regulation on essential oils. So if a store wants to class an essential oil as "Pure" they can do that. So sadly there may only be a small amount if not any actual Essential Oil in there, meaning what's in there is either fragrance and toxic synthetic fillers.

Synthetic Fillers

Most of the time if you go into a pharmacy or shop and find a bottle of essential oil for $5, well its cheap because its not really a Pure Essential Oil. Most of the time, it's just all fragrance. So, yeah, it may smell somewhat similar, but you're gonna get no actual effectiveness from that. In fact it can actually cause respiratory irritation, runny eyes and you cannot apply it topically as it can cause skin irritation. Many of these Essential Oils are extremely toxic not just for us but especially for our pets. So please never ever use them on them.

Certified Pure Tested Grade

The Essential Oils I use are classed as 'Certified Pure Tested Grade oils', as there is no regulation the company Doterra created this grade so they go through rigorous testing, they have a team of scientists who conduct this testing ensuring they are 100% pure and of the highest quality. Some of these Oils are so pure they can even be ingested in a small amount. Doterra Essential Oils are sourced where the plants grow natively, so for example Lavender in Australia doesn't grow to the best of its ability, the soil isn't balanced, and it doesn't grow natively here. So Doterra ensure to source their Lavender from Bulgaria and France where it does grow natively where the soil and climate is at its best, and it's where it grows more naturally. Doterra source essential oils all over the world, many being in third world countries as well, providing jobs for farmers and their communities. These are a few of the reasons I advocate for these Essential Oils so much.

Every bottle comes with a Quality ID on the bottom so you can look up all the tests that it has gone through.

Multi Level Marketing

When you buy Certified Pure Tested Grade oils through Doterra, you usually set up an account with the person that introduced you, with this you get ongoing support and education on how to use them. You don't get that from a store bought essential oil. You're just given a bottle of synthetic essential oil and just headed off home with that with maybe no idea how to use it, not knowing it's completely toxic & so dangerous for your kids and pets.

Yes, Doterra is an MLM company and like any company structure those higher up earn more. Many MLM companies get a lot of slack though, for the biggest reason, anyone can join and advocate the products. I for one believe this is a massive positive, a family can create a business just because they love a product that supports a low-tox, healthy lifestyle and earn a wage sharing something they just love. Doterra supply endless amounts of training and resources for their Wellness advocates to learn and educate their customers. If someone hasn't received the education, support or guidance when they've enrolled you can reach out to further uplines to receive that support. It is always there no matter if you don't receive it directly. Since I was introduced to Doterra my experience has been so positive. Paying that bit extra to be apart of an ever expanding community, supporting families earn a living, supporting farmers throughout the world and knowing I'm getting the Purest of the pure is worth every penny.

Want to get your own account & join my community get started here


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